How to get healthy honey from Different Types of Bees

The bees of the finest creatures on earth as the work of the bees and the life of activity and cooperation and dedication to work and service of the Queen

The bees of the finest creatures on earth as the work of the bees and the life of activity and cooperation and dedication to work and service of the Queen, and cell cleaning, construction, defense, collecting nectar, care of young bees and the eggs until they hatch, along with its ability to distinguish types of flowers and work schedules for collecting nectar and sterilization and Swarming beekeeper and dates based on his service, and of course we can not forget the social structure of bees,

We all ate the honey, and many people to supplement our diet by eating useful bee byproducts such as bees bee pollen. However, there are many completely different species of bees, who build their honey, and what are the different types of bees do?

Researchers identified 25,000 species of bee around the world , all of which are classified under the superfamily Apoidea. These are divided into 9 families, four of which are very small in terms of numbers of species.

We are most accustomed to one family of bee, Apidae, which has honey and bumblebees. Honey bees, of course, manufacture honey; these are social bees that live in colonies of 50,000 to 70,000 employees, 400 drones, and frequently one queen. Honey colonies are terribly complicated in terms of behavior and overall function; these bees behave for the survival of the colony, and not for individual survival. There are 10 broad kinds of honey worldwide, and one hybrid selection, the Africanized bee, or "killer bee." the eu honey is most typically kept by beekeepers, for the aim of harvesting honey and bee byproducts.

Apis mellifera mellifera

This is called a bee bees black, and the origin of this strain all of northern Europe and western Alps and central Russia. And a large black bees, the tongue is short (7.5 to 4.6 mm) with a belly broad, very dark color of chitin with a small yellow spots on the abdominal Torgat the second and third, his hair long and in the male chest hair dark brown and sometimes black. And this is the bees grumpy, nervous when you open the cell, where being on the disks quickly and be a big ball of bees in the bottom corner of the disk, which may fall to the ground, as it is difficult to find the Queen during the scan, but it is not always fierce, and this strain slow growth and development of its communities in the spring, and communities are strong in the late summer and winter . wintering and can well under harsh conditions, as it is sensitive to diseases, especially rot brood brood brood disease and European Cretaceous and wax worms, few in the collection of propolis.

Apis mellifera ligustica

Origin of this strain from Italy, a small-sized bees bit his tongue a relatively long (3.6 to 6.6 mm) was introduced into Germany in 1853 and in the United States in 1856. And to this strain thanks to the spread of prosperity and beekeeping in the last hundred years.Color golden yellow, a narrow black edge as well as on the last episode chest. Italian bees and quiet foul laying talents, active in the collection of honey, inclined to brood rearing, and a good start in the community, educates the early brood retain large areas of the brood until the autumn.This tendency to strain a few Swarming, spent the winter in strong communities, covering the six-party eyes whiter than white waxy caps. The Italian bee brood disease-resistant strains of the European Unlike the black and wrong but also their tendency to steal honey from other cells .

Apis mellifera lamarckii

Is one of the oldest types of bees drawing on, and has proven to the inscriptions in the Egyptian temples, has been used in many recipes pharaohs, and the Pharaohs are a slap in the cells of mud, but for the attributes of the physical is small in size, color yellow with a fluffy white Silver Metallic on the body and the bees Egyptian fierce foul can not stand the cold as well as the production of honey is low and which males have the ability to vaccinate queen bees foreign from other breeds in the region and is resistant to most diseases and is highly efficient in the pollination of flowers, and was to explain the multiple strains of this type to maintain of extinction and a special area in the oases of Siwa.

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